- 56 cards
- Size 5,6 x 8,7 cm (2 x 3.42 inch)
- Cards in full Color
- Published by Marie Edery
- ISBN : 9782955836095
- Payment by credit card secured by Paypal
Giving and receiving compliments feels good!
Each card of this game is a compliment to offer or receive, as a sign of gratitude that reinforces self-esteem, awakens our common ground of kindness hope, humanity. Believe in the power of the Heart and it will transform you! This handy game will not leave your living room, desk, handbag or pocket. Listen to the Colors of your Heart in the evening to soften your sleep ad awake your dreams or in the morning to start a fresh day. You won’t go without it pretty soon…
56 cards, 56 Colors of the Heart, 56 compliments, 56 qualities to play or hold a conference, meditate, offer or share.
Values are universal. Most valuable to Marie’s heart, she imagined to decline them in many Colors for you to blossom. In her game, each value and quality is a blessing, a compliment, you will receive as a sign of recognition.
Rather than an imposed illustration, play with your abc and discover more about the quality of each value thanks to the graphically accentuated letters composing each word. This creative approach linked perfectly to the playful, varied and colorful aspect of the values.
Several talented graphic designers contributed to the creation of the 54 illustrations: Miren Monnier, Ivan Leprêtre, Daniel G. Requesens, Sophie Maho, Philippe Pichon, Obrad Vukojevic.
User’s guide
Love, happiness, tolerance, gentleness, you can draw a card from the deck or offer, one color card with a value, to answer a question or find your heart’s desire, soften your mood.
Let the magic of the colored horoscope of values operate and feel you heart with a quality throughout your day.
The main idea of this game is to offer a compliment to the person who draws a card. In every traditions, we find this practice of addressing good wishes and sending compliments. From African griots who pass through houses to sing praises, to Anglo-Saxon countries who address “blessings”.
It is not a question of playing flatterers, but of getting the person who draws the card to consider an aspect of his personality, to receive a positive sign of recognition with a pleasant effect. It is important she believes in it and not asks herself whether it is true or not, a sacred way for the value to peacefullly distill in her. When she will think about it, she will realize that this quality, this positive personnality trait, is indeed in her. The card helped highlighting it.
A nice, ethical and aesthetic gift, to make or to treat oneself…
Place a card as a placement card during a dinner, on the pillows of guest rooms, on the doors of a rental to name the rooms, offer them to your guests as a small souvenir to take away…